четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

carpet industry india::Sunlight streams through dusty looms carpet industry india

carpet industry india

carpet industry india

carpet industry india

carpet industry india::Sunlight streams through dusty looms.
For centuries the nimble fingers of children have been used to weave the beautiful carpets, often under conditions of virtual slavery.
Now, under the international media spotlight, the carpet manufacturers are trying to clean up their image.
Shaukat ansari has 3,000 looms.
But the system has its problems.
It is impossible to police as there are 25,000 looms and only 15 inspectors.
At a small factory crammed with weavers, looms and colourful swathes of wool, some of the weavers are mysteriously absent and the inspectors say they face constant attempts at bribery.
Many are terrified they will lose their jobs.
However, one local ngo offers a more viable alternative.
Robin garland gave up his post as ceo of a huge uk carpet business to run project mara.
The children there study for half of the day and work the looms for the other half.
Pintu is 11, 4 years too young to work the looms but his family needed every penny they could get.

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