пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

articles on smoking in public places::Many people have used the health risks, both for smokers and nonsmokers who inhale secondhand cigarette smoke, as one of the strongest arguments against allowing smoking in public places articles on smoking in public places

articles on smoking in public places articles on smoking in public places::Many people have used the health risks, both for smokers and nonsmokers who inhale secondhand cigarette smoke, as one of the strongest arguments against allowing smoking in public places.
As a smoker, i will admit that this article may seem to be biased.
However, i feel that there are some very substantial reasons that smoking should not be banned in public places.
Many public places such as schools have set aside a portion of the grounds in which smokers may smoke.
In many cases, these designated smoking areas are located far enough away from the building so that the cigarette smoke will not affect the nonsmokers.
As implied by the sign on the smoking area, these areas are the designated smoking areas, and those that do not smoke should generally avoid these areas.
If nonsmokers should wish to enter the smoking area, then they should not complain when their clothes smell of cigarette smoke

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